Valknut with Runes - Paint

Availability: In stock (10)

Valknut with Runes

7 in. X 7 in. X 2 in. | Brown Wood | Painted Symbol

The sign can be free standing or hung on the wall with the flush-to-the-wall bracket. 


The runes translate to: Live life so evil flees by your very presence.

The Valknut’s three interlocking shapes (several variations) are symbols of the divinity of pregnancy and motherhood. Also, the three shapes represent the three main realms of the afterlife. The famous Valhalla is found in the upper realm.

Furthermore, Valknut symbolizes the heart of the fallen warrior and has the power of protection.



We use only domestic solid wood, and no rainforest is ever harmed.

Handcrafted in Utah, USA. 

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